Thursday 26 May 2011

The second perspective; fears.

Well if I had a choice my largest fear would easily be spiders, but seeing as that one has already been taken, I will have to write about my second largest fear; heights.

There is something weird about this one though, because I'm not scared of the height itself (I'd quite happily live on the top floor of a skyscraper), but I panic when I don't feel I'm secure enough at that height. Here is an example: I was on an helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon. Throughout the journey I felt really safe, I didn't notice the massive height at which we were at, but as soon as the pilot said 'Hold on!' as we came across some massive turbulence, I panicked...alot.

That was a joint effort between my fear of heights and claustrophobia playing up. I hate being in enclosed spaces, small spaces don't bother me at all, it's just being locked inside somewhere that worries me deeply; put me in a small room and ill be fine, put me in one twice the size and lock all the doors and windows and I'll break down.

I guess you can say I'm just weird like that.


  1. Meh they are common fears dont beat urself up

  2. Very true, I wish I didn't have fears too though
