Sunday 22 May 2011

Newspaper incident.

Where do I begin? There I was, casually looking through our local newspaper which is delivered weekly (If I can remember). As I expected, the normal articles about whats been happening in our area and the good new changes being made to improve it. However, as I was flicking through I saw a bold, big sized headline of which said 'Shock over horse attack'. So without hesitation I began reading about the article. In shock It was about two horses who were hacked and sexually assulted to death and that four people have now been arrested in link with this disgusting event.

Sexually assulting plus hacking horses to death? Really? In what state of mind where they? I'm so disappointed in this. What did those innocent animals ever do to them?. I just hope these thugs get found and put in the place where they deserve to be - jail.

Furthermore, those people who commited such an awful incident have not only affected the horses but infact they have sadly affected the community who live close by - sleepness nights, disgust and distress. Bet their family relatives wont be very proud when the criminals have been caught, as I know if it were one of mine I wouldn't be able to look at them in their eye the same again.


  1. This...isn't very nice. I've heard about this, but didn't think it was serious. :|

  2. Yeah, police are in search for the guys.
    Sounds really awfull from the neighbours views in the article :(
