Monday 30 May 2011


I've became so unfit its unbelieveable since my football team folded; I've probably put on a good few pounds (Greeeeeeeeat!). So today (This morning to be specific) I thought I would go on a jog to start getting some exercise back on track today with my music from my phone motivating me as it were drumming through my ears. However, I didn't find it particularly easy but as an exscuse(I'm always using exscuses) I didnt really wear the lightest of clothes to run in: jogging bottoms; waterproof jacket; t-shirt and my trainers ofcourse. There I was jogging for about a minute casually but then it hit me, I felt exhausted already plus a huge feeling of disappointment dripping sweat on my forehead didnt help. Moreover, I decided to speed walk(Now I wish I didnt; my legs ache a lot) because I thought it would help in some way to get my fitness up before I started to run again. Swapping over speed walking and some jogging I decided to make my way home for some stupid reason as I knew my Dad would just go "You wasen't out long?" in a confused manner like he has done previously. And guess what? He did. But you know what? Tomorrow and every day after that day I'm going to push myself more and more so I can benefit my fitness for up-coming football season (which soon will be around) and so I don't have to hear my Dads negative comments.
Opinions welcome, comment below!


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