Monday 23 May 2011


Unfortunately over half of my subjects I have at school (Compulsary and options) are full of coursework.
Now I know your probably thinking "You've got it easy, its just work" But honestly, it isn't just work. When you have subjects to revise for, subjects to do homework for and exams coming up left right and centre your life becomes more and more un-sociable and depressing.

So parents, children who are currently at a secondary school and about to join one? please keep up with the coursework in all subjects because during my time at school for a long period I thought to myself during the year "It's ok, I've got ages yet" but no, before I knew it Exam details were upon me and I began to get myself in gear. In addition to this, you're probably going to be told several times If you're a student at school about "Keeping up to date" but seriously dont be ignorant and listen to those teachers who just want the best for you.

"The more you do now, the better."

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