Tuesday 31 May 2011

Britains Got Talent

Anyone enjoy tonights show? I found it quite boring to be honest apart from New Bounce and the Magician. Just wondering who do you guys want to win B.G.T at the moment then? Please comment your vote below! :D

ICT Coursework

Finally! After these dreadfull weeks of being behind on my ICT coursework today I thankfully caught up with it all. Although it wasen't easy and took a long 5hours worth of work but it's worth it I guess. To be honest my eyes still ache from being at front of the monitor at school for so long however as they say
'No pain, no gain'. You wouldn't believe how happy I truely was after I seeing: 'completed - well done' on my screen after uploading.

Well thats that out of the way, I best try to improve the rest of my coursework after my English exam on the 9th which I'm actually really worried about although I can only try my best.

So does anyone else struggle to keep up with the ICT coursework?

Monday 30 May 2011


I've became so unfit its unbelieveable since my football team folded; I've probably put on a good few pounds (Greeeeeeeeat!). So today (This morning to be specific) I thought I would go on a jog to start getting some exercise back on track today with my music from my phone motivating me as it were drumming through my ears. However, I didn't find it particularly easy but as an exscuse(I'm always using exscuses) I didnt really wear the lightest of clothes to run in: jogging bottoms; waterproof jacket; t-shirt and my trainers ofcourse. There I was jogging for about a minute casually but then it hit me, I felt exhausted already plus a huge feeling of disappointment dripping sweat on my forehead didnt help. Moreover, I decided to speed walk(Now I wish I didnt; my legs ache a lot) because I thought it would help in some way to get my fitness up before I started to run again. Swapping over speed walking and some jogging I decided to make my way home for some stupid reason as I knew my Dad would just go "You wasen't out long?" in a confused manner like he has done previously. And guess what? He did. But you know what? Tomorrow and every day after that day I'm going to push myself more and more so I can benefit my fitness for up-coming football season (which soon will be around) and so I don't have to hear my Dads negative comments.
Opinions welcome, comment below!


Sunday 29 May 2011

Pirates of the Carribean

So today I went to odeon with my friends to see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie..

I don't want to ruin it for you, but I'm just going to say my opinion of it and If you want to see it anyway I suggest you don't carry on reading this as I might discourage you to see it which I don't want to do.

So yeah, Ive seen every single P.o.t.c film and loved them all plus with the amazing Johnny Depp starring in it just makes it even better. Moving on, I have to say I was really really really disappointed in the new one I say today, which has been called 'The best one yet' to be fair I think its the complete opposite. Prepare to be disapointed, confused and bored through out as me and my friends did.  Normally they are hilarious with the sarcastic Captain Jack but in this he's not involved as much as the others which probably ruined it the most for me.


Saturday 28 May 2011

Family Guy.

No matter whats happened during my day or what time at night it is Family Guy is on every nine out of ten night I end up watching it without resisting. Why? Maybe because its never prevents me from LMAO! (Laughing my ass off - inase you didn't know) I think I've probably watched every episode now, and I have sometimes watched ones I have already seen before but they are just too funny and never get boring.

Some find it very racist and offensive but to be fair.. that's whats so funny about it! However you learn about how saying or doing some things can offend people so it prevents you from doing so in the future.

Peter is probably my favourite character; with Stewie a close runner-up. Mr Griffin(Peter) is not very intelligent and is always having a laugh whether hes with his friends or winding up Louis - he cracks me up! Although if I met someone like him in person I think I'd go insane..

Please rate on my poll on the right what you think of Family guy.
Thanks for reading, follow me!


Thursday 26 May 2011

The second perspective; fears.

Well if I had a choice my largest fear would easily be spiders, but seeing as that one has already been taken, I will have to write about my second largest fear; heights.

There is something weird about this one though, because I'm not scared of the height itself (I'd quite happily live on the top floor of a skyscraper), but I panic when I don't feel I'm secure enough at that height. Here is an example: I was on an helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon. Throughout the journey I felt really safe, I didn't notice the massive height at which we were at, but as soon as the pilot said 'Hold on!' as we came across some massive turbulence, I panicked...alot.

That was a joint effort between my fear of heights and claustrophobia playing up. I hate being in enclosed spaces, small spaces don't bother me at all, it's just being locked inside somewhere that worries me deeply; put me in a small room and ill be fine, put me in one twice the size and lock all the doors and windows and I'll break down.

I guess you can say I'm just weird like that.


Don't you just hate having fears of something or someone? Preventing you from doing things you intentionally wanted to do. Well in my case, one of my biggest fears are those eight long legged, hairy, eyes like a fly creatures also known as Spiders. I hate them with a passion, just the way they stay there as if they enjoy mentally torturing you without moving an inch. I remember my first time meeting one, gliding swiftly along the floor with each leg moving one after another in some sort of rhythm. Coming towards me without hesitation; I panicked. This spider was so hairy I felt like saying "Here you go!" and giving it a razor. I'd just wish they go away, always pestering me although my Dad likes to tell me "It wont harm you!" in a convincing voice. Moving on, a friend of mine once told me they once saw a spider so big you could hear it walking along the laminated floor which she said "Sounded like my mum typing away on the laptop". Why do they scare me? To be quite honest, I'm not very sure. I think its ugly appearance doesn't help me deal with their arrival. So I'd like to know, what's your biggest fear? Please comment you're answers below..

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The second perspective; dream holidays.

I've been asked so many times what my 'dream holiday' would be. Assuming this means 'what holiday would you want more than anything' I guess I'd have to say Vegas. I've already been there once (last year, to be exact) and it was amazing. The only problem is that there wasn't enough time; I went for 5 days and got next to nothing done. So, in full detail, my dream holiday:

A nice, smooth flight to Vegas. On arrival get a limo to the Venetian hotel; have a luxury room. On day one I'd spend most, if not all, of the day at The Gun Store firing rifles to my heart's content.
The Venetian, seen at night
Day two; a helicopter tour over Vegas, then that night go to see one of the shows.
Day three; relax in the pool for much of the afternoon, fancy restaurant in the evening.
Rest of the days; exploring Vegas, shooting guns, chilling, nice restaurants, parties, fun.

Well, that is my dream holiday. I couldn't think of everything to fill every day so I just made a vague input.

Dream holidays.

Personally, I haven't been on a holiday sadly approximately in about 5 years. So I have many desires of  this dream holiday of mine - Mexico. How could you resist a lovely trip abroad there? golden silky sandy beaches with an magnificant bright blue sea. Its just heaven to me, to be honest I think I would refuse to go home with such a view. Plus it's climate ofcourse, you can't go on holiday without such a tan your friends back home wouldn't recognise you!

Well maybe one day, when I'm rich enough to pay for myself and other I can go! I like to think of myself theres always a chance of going as my mouth waters looking at the images of the marvelous Mexico.

In the words of the female diva Gabrielle's song "Dreams Can Come True" so don't give up on hope!

So what's your dream holiday?


Time for a second perspective!

Hello, my name is Reiss. I am going to be the secondary author to this blog!
I am a student at the Ockendon Academy, currently in year 10. I already have my own blog, feel free to check it out; I've also recently hit 1K views and quite a lot of followers.
Me and Brenna are good friends and I shall be posting here on a regular basis; possibly several times a day.
My interests are: Gaming & Computing, Animating, Graphic design, Blogging and just being a general nerd (please don't hate me already).

Long story short; it's a pleasure to be writing here.

Monday 23 May 2011

Ryan Giggs.

Yes, as we have all probably been brainwashed with this pathetic notice going round in the Media. Don't know about anyone else but who cares if he cheated on his wife? It's his life? Surely he knows what he has done is wrong, he doesn't need the whole world knowing which will ruin his career.

Why do we need to know? Shouldn't they post stuff more important and relevent on the news than having gossip about someone's affair? It's pointless, pathetic and has wasted my time watching it.

He's been an amazing footballer for Manchester United and his Country, some say 'He shouldn't be a rolemodel' because of this? What because of the affair you can't be inspired to play football like him?

Theres been natural disasters and wars going on in the world today and BBC believe Ryan Giggs' issue is more important? Just shows how selfish and ignorant some people on this planet truely are. For all we know this Volcanic Ash could come over to our Country? and how would we know with 10 minutes information on Ryan Giggs at the beginnning boring us to death which could discourage us to watch the news preventing us from carrying on watching and missing the few notice of the real problems which are more important.


Although I tend to moan alot to my family. I've even told them I hate them at some stages through my life, however without every single one them I wouldn't be the same person I am today. Now as I think of it, at times I am very unapreciative of what I have.. even the slightest things, for example having a house to live in and fed nice food everyday which sadly some teenagers in the world today don't.

Now enough about me, do you treat your family with respect every day? Why? Because sometimes were not reminded enough of how lucky some of us truly are.

Let's put ourselves in someone elses shoes, lets pretend were in a LEDC with wars going on, no company, no food or drink, no medicine, no home and no parents. How would we feel? I don't think we would be having the time of our lives quite frankly. So now let's compare that to what some of us we ones have..


Unfortunately over half of my subjects I have at school (Compulsary and options) are full of coursework.
Now I know your probably thinking "You've got it easy, its just work" But honestly, it isn't just work. When you have subjects to revise for, subjects to do homework for and exams coming up left right and centre your life becomes more and more un-sociable and depressing.

So parents, children who are currently at a secondary school and about to join one? please keep up with the coursework in all subjects because during my time at school for a long period I thought to myself during the year "It's ok, I've got ages yet" but no, before I knew it Exam details were upon me and I began to get myself in gear. In addition to this, you're probably going to be told several times If you're a student at school about "Keeping up to date" but seriously dont be ignorant and listen to those teachers who just want the best for you.

"The more you do now, the better."

Sunday 22 May 2011

Newspaper incident.

Where do I begin? There I was, casually looking through our local newspaper which is delivered weekly (If I can remember). As I expected, the normal articles about whats been happening in our area and the good new changes being made to improve it. However, as I was flicking through I saw a bold, big sized headline of which said 'Shock over horse attack'. So without hesitation I began reading about the article. In shock It was about two horses who were hacked and sexually assulted to death and that four people have now been arrested in link with this disgusting event.

Sexually assulting plus hacking horses to death? Really? In what state of mind where they? I'm so disappointed in this. What did those innocent animals ever do to them?. I just hope these thugs get found and put in the place where they deserve to be - jail.

Furthermore, those people who commited such an awful incident have not only affected the horses but infact they have sadly affected the community who live close by - sleepness nights, disgust and distress. Bet their family relatives wont be very proud when the criminals have been caught, as I know if it were one of mine I wouldn't be able to look at them in their eye the same again.